On July 29, 2011, Verkhnekamsk Potash Company (a subsidiary of Acron) and Belgorkhimprom (Republic of Belarus) signed a design contract for the Talitsky mine at the Verkhnekamsk potassium-magnesium salts deposit in Perm Krai. Stage 1 involves development of the engineering design, including exploration and will be implemented in 11 months upon execution of the contract.
Verkhnekamsk Potash Company is developing the Talitsky area of the Verkhnekamsk potassium-magnesium salts deposit, for which it obtained a license by auction in 2008. Pursuant to the design prepared by Galurgia Research and Design Institute and approved by the state expert review, the company has performed exploration of the license area, drilled five holes; completed core laboratory tests and collected initial data for feasibility studies and the exploration report.
To prepare for control shaft drilling, Verkhnekamsk Potash Company has constructed an access road in Talitsky area, deforested the mine site, and drilled two control shafts (2SТ and 1SТ, 455 m and 365 m deep) for the rock mass survey at the location of future shafts. The company has entered into preliminary negotiation on a shaft design contract with the federal state unitary enterprise US-30 and Belgorkhimprom. Local developer Ural Environmental Research Institute has been selected to perform an appraisal of the project’s environmental impact and to prepare an environmental monitoring program.
Talitsky mine is planned to be put on stream in 2016 and will reach its full design capacity in 2018.