Acron Group invests heavily in sustainable development each year. In 2019, Acron Group invested a total of RUB 1.6 billion in environmental protection measures, occupational and industrial safety, welfare and charity projects, and social and economic development in its footprint regions.
Over the course of 2019, the Group’s companies – Acron in Veliky Novgorod, Dorogobuzh in Smolensk region, and NWPC in Murmansk region – focused their efforts on protecting air and water resources and reducing the impact of production waste. The Group’s production facilities upgraded their main shops to improve the environmental safety of their operations and products, and the Group invested RUB 213 million in environmental protection.
Acron’s facilities ran equipment diagnostics to ensure that equipment and process flows operate safely and tested the safety of the feedstock and materials used in operations. These occupational and industrial safety measures were focused on ensuring continuous production, the occupational safety of its employees, and the health of the people living in the Group’s footprint regions. The Group’s investments in occupational and industrial safety totalled RUB 370 million in the reporting year.
For the Group, sustainable development begins with the wellbeing of its employees. Acron Group provides financing for employee health care and medical services, voluntary medical insurance, professional training and career development, sports and wellness opportunities, and targeted social programmes, recruiting and retaining the highly skilled professionals, collaborating with educational institutions, and targeted social programmes. All of the Group’s production facilities have collective agreements in place that include a package of extended social benefits and guarantees designed to improve the quality of life of Acron’s employees and their families. The facilities also run a number of programmes to support veterans and young specialists. In 2019, Acron invested RUB 680 million on the wellbeing of its employees.
Acron Group has made significant contributions to the social and economic development of its footprint regions. An attractive employer and responsible taxpayer, the Group proactively participates in economic activities in the regions, improving the quality of life of its employees, their families, and local residents. The Group signs annual agreements with local authorities, investing in the development of local infrastructure, health care, education, cultural and art events, and sports facilities, in addition to social and charitable programmes aimed at supporting public organisations, social institutions, and local communities in general. In the reporting year, RUB 377 million were allocated to promote social and economic development and support charitable programmes.
In 2019, the Group’s companies received several prestigious awards: Acron's Veliky Novgorod-based facility won the Company of the Year award in the Industrial Leader nomination; it was also recognised for its environmental management in the 100 Best Organisations in Russia competition and received an award at the 5 Stars – Chemical Industry Leaders competition. The Group’s Dorogobuzh facility was recognised for its family-friendly policies at the regional stage of a federal contest called Socially Effective Russian Organisations. NWPC won the Enterprise of the Year award in the Industrial Leader nomination.