The shareholder meeting approved PJSC Acron 2017 Annual Report, accounting (financial) statements and profit and loss distribution. Acron’s RAS net profit for 2017 was RUB 7,627,901,000. The shareholders resolved to declare 2017 dividends in cash at the rate of RUB 185 per outstanding ordinary share. The total amount to be distributed as dividends is RUB 7,498,790,000. The record date for persons entitled to dividends is set for 14 June 2018.
The shareholders elected Acron’s Board of Directors as follows:
- Nikolai Arutyunov
- Vladimir Gavrikov
- Georgy Golukhov
- Alexander Dynkin
- Yury Malyshev
- Alexander Popov
- Vladimir Sister
Three independent directors will sit on the elected Board of Directors: Yury Malyshev, Vladimir Sister and Nikolai Arutyunov, who was named senior independent director. The general meeting also set the amount of remuneration to independent members of Acron’s Board of Directors.
The shareholder meeting also approved:
- Crowe Russaudit as the auditor to approve accounting (financial) statements prepared in accordance with accounting laws of the Russian Federation
- KPMG as the auditor to approve financial statements prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
The general meeting elected the Internal Audit Team consisting of Valentina Aleksandrova, Irina Dudicheva, Elena Zubrilova, Elena Potapova and Tatiana Khrapova.
The general meeting resolved on Acron’s participation in associations of commercial entities:
- Stroybusinessinvest Self-Regulatory Organisation of Builders of the Novgorod Region Association
- Guild of Design Engineers of the Novgorod Region, Self-Regulatory Organisation Association
- StroyIzyskaniya, Field Engineers Association.
At the meeting of the elected Board of Directors following the general meeting, Alexander Popov was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors, Vladimir Gavrikov was elected Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Vladimir Kunitsky was appointed CEO. The Board of Directors also formed the Managing Board consisting of Vladimir Kunitsky (Chairman of the Managing Board), CEO Adviser Ivan Antonov, Senior Vice President Oscar Valters, Finance Director Alexei Milenkov, Vice President for HR and Special Projects Irina Raber and Vice President Overseas Dmitry Khabrat.