Acron’s Veliky Novgorod facility produced a landmark five millionth tonne of urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN). The 1 million tpa UAN facility was commissioned in December 2007. In 2015, Acron reached the mark of 841,000 tonnes. Output was 76,442 tonnes in February 2016, and the monthly UAN record high since the launch was registered in July 2015 at 101,569 tonnes.
UAN is a high-performance, long-acting liquid fertiliser made by mixing water solutions of urea and ammonium nitrate with a controlled content of nitrogen between 28 and 32 per cent. UAN contains the nitrogen nutrient in three available forms: nitrite, ammonia and amino nitrogen. Due to its liquid form, the product can be applied evenly. UAN is highly effective in all climate zones.