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Acron’s NPK Proves Itself at Colombian Coffee Plantations

Acron Group and the delosAndes cooperative carried out a large-scale study of the efficiency of various mineral fertiliser brands at coffee plantations in Colombia.

The researchers selected three coffee plantations located in an area with typical conditions for the region and with plants of the same age and fruiting year. During the annual growth and fruiting cycle, specialists conducted basic surveys and sampled leaves for chemical diagnostics.

The results of the study clearly demonstrated the high performance of Acron's NPK 18-6-18+2S+2Mg and NPK 19-9-19 brands. With an optimal ratio of nutrients, good granule solubility, and neutral acidity, Acron’s brands increased coffee production 7-10% while the reject rate dropped 5-15%, and most importantly, growers harvested a high-quality yield of coffee beans. The yield of dry, unshelled coffee beans increased 11% on average.

According to Anna Dorofeeva, Head of Acron’s Marketing Department, ‘The owners of the plantations in the study were interested in the research and participated in collecting the necessary materials. We were delighted to get such impressive results and to hear positive feedback about our products. Acron plans to continue its research activity in Colombia and also to expand these studies to help increase the recognition of key brands and promote their use in Latin America.’